June 2017

Muchas Gracias!

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Thank you so much for your gracious support. We love working as part of your local ministry extended globally. We have been encouraged by cards and emails, notes and FaceBook messages as we have settled into our new routine in Costa Rica over the last few months. We have a pleasant little home in a quiet neighborhood near a city park, about a half mile from the Spanish Language Institute. The kids have enjoyed acclimating to their new school and Wendy and I are remembering what it’s like to go to school full-time. Our primary responsibility this year is language acquisition. We are happy to report all “A”s so far! (We’re even starting to watch TV in Spanish. . . there’s really nothing good on here either. . .)

While we are learning Spanish, we are also investing in relationships and beginning the work of leadership development. We have begun preaching through translators, visiting our Free Methodist Churches throughout the country, and I have been able to facilitate a course in pastoral leadership.

Even these few months into the work, we understand better than ever that it takes a whole community to effectively reach out to the corners of our globe, and we’re so thankful to be walking this journey with you! Please find below some specific ways you can join us in prayer over the next weeks and months.

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